Barbara Mackinnon (2011).
7th, ed, Ethics: Theory and contemporary issues,
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company
the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for
a person or group
Normative (moral) Ethics
Primary objective is to help us decide what is good or bad, better or
worse in some general way with regard to a particular ethic issue. How should
people act? Examples of behaviors that are judged as right or wrong are
honesty, lying, and stealing.
Descriptive (empirical) Judgment
States certain factual beliefs. Examples such as "That was
great." What a good movie." "That pie was delicious" All
of these statements express approval of something. They do not tell us much
about the pie or movie, but they do imply that the speaker thought they were
Consequentialist (teleological) Ethical Reasoning
This type of ethical reasoning decides what is right or wrong, better
or worse, based on consequences.
Synonyms include: Effect, Result, Outcome, Cause or any wording showing that the reasoning is based on "what has happened" in the past or "what is likely to happen" in the future. Examples "bad for business", "hurts us all", "makes us a second rate nation" |
NONConsequentialist (Deontological) Ethical Reasoning
This type of ethical reasoning decides what is right or wrong, better
or worse, based on inherent rightness or wrongness of the ACT itself and
possibly also based on the INTENTION(motive) behind it. The results,
consequences or outcome are irrelevant. Examples "It's just plain
wrong.", "Life is sacred.", "It's my life.",
Autonmy, "protecting basic rights"
Ethical Relativism
Is the view that there is no objective right and wrong and that the
definition of right or wrong depends on the prevailing view of a particular
individual, culture, or historical period. Examples "The winters in
Florida are relatively warmer than in Maine.
Individual Ethical Relativism
No right or wrong answers. Difference of opinion.
Cultural Ethical Relativism
Values depend on what your culture believes.
is the view that moral rules or principles have no exceptions and are
context-independent. "no exception" "stealing is always
The tendency to see things in relation to oneself; self-centeredness.
produces the greatest good (amount of happiness) for the greatest
number (of people)
Ethical Egoism
Is a normative theory about how people ought to behave and what they
ought to do.
Everyone (or individual) ought to look out for and seek only their own best interest. |
a concern for others; generosity
Psychological Egoism
Is descriptive, it describes what people are like, that they actions
are basically selfishly motivated and unselfish acts are impossible
Their actions seem self-centered because of how they would feel later if they didn't take any action. |
Jeremy Bentham
stressed only the quantity of pleasure or happiness: how much pleasure
or how intense it was.
John Stuart Mill
Believed quality of the pleasure should also count: Intellectual
pleasures are better than sensual.
Cost-benefit analysis
a way of thinking about a problem that compares the costs of an action
to the benefits received
Intrinsic good
You want it because it is good in itself (love, friendship, happiness
or pleasure)
Instrumental good
Something considered as a means to some other good. Examples Fame,
fortune, or freedom are instruments good. education - wealth - success -
Death with Dignity Act
Legalized physician-assisted suicide
According to laws: *Patient must be a resident of a state which the law is legal. *2 independent doctors must verify that the patient has fewer than 6 months to live. (terminally ill) *Patient must be competent *Patient must have clear & continuing rest, made orally and in writing *Patient must be able to take the lethal dose of drugs orally |
Harvard Criteria
Whole brain dead; loss of all detectable brain function. Person is
Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)
Some good brain stem function; unconscious but "awake".
Example: Terry Schiavo case
Poor brain stem function; unconscious but "asleep"
Passive Euthanasia
allowing a person to die by withholding or withdrawing measures to
maintain life; Stopping or not starting some treatment, which allows a person
to die.
Example: Karen Quinlan case 1978 - removal of a feeding tube Nancy Cruzan case 1990 - was in a PVS state & the removal of a respirator |
Active Euthanasia
Doing something such as administering a lethal drug or using other
means that cause the person's death. "mercy killing"
Physician-Assisted Suicide
a form of active euthanasia in which a doctor provides the means for
someone to end his or her own life.
Example: Dr Jack Kevorkian except for his last case, which was a form of active euthanasia |
Principle of Double Effect
an action can have two effects. As in giving pain medication with the
goal of relieving pain while the bad secondary effect is death of the
Voluntary Euthanasia
Doctors or others act directly, at a patient's request, to end
suffering before a natural end to life
Non-voluntary Euthanasia
Ending someone's life painlessly, when they aren't able to request it.
(Example: Turning off a life support machine.) |
Ordinary Measures
Measures or treatments with reasonable hope of benefit, or the
benefits outweigh the burdens to the patient. "simple surgery"
Extraordinary Measures
Measures or treatments with no reasonable hope of benefit, or the
burden outweigh the benefits to the patient.
Any means used to treat a sick or dying person that is out of the ordinary, or heroic. |
Kant's Moral Theory
Simply the right thing to do regardless the consequence, do not use
people for your personal gain (or as a means to an end). "out of
Natural Law Theory
Basic higher law, universal and stable, higher than any laws of any
particular society.
Civil Law
a legal system based on a written code of laws, law of society
Natural Rights
the idea that all humans are born with rights, which include the
pursuit to life, liberty, and happiness.
Just plain wrong. humans deserve to be treated right. |
The quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
Aristotle felt a virtue is a mean between extreme. Example Courage is a mean between foolhardiness and cowardice. |
Roe v. Wade
1973 Supreme Court decision:
*No state may prohibit abortion before the time of fetal viability *Right to privacy - ability to make decision for oneself about what is one's own *From the end of the 1st trimester on, states could make laws to ensure medical safety *Before viability, the decision is left to the woman and her doctor *After viability, state could prohibit it except when the woman's life or health was endangered. |
Liberty-Limiting Principle
Principles or norms for determining when the law may rightly restrict
our liberty and why
Harm Principle
The law can prevent a person from harming others. As is physical,
threatening, harassing, damaging reputation and livelihoods
Social Harm Principle
an action causes harm to society itself. This is relative to the type
of society (theocracy, democracy, free-market society, etc) Examples:
prohibiting one education, in an Amish community no one should be richer than
another, in Muslim countries, women must cover their heads with a scarf.
Offense Principle
Society may restrict peoples choice to do what they want in order to
prevent them from offending other. Unavoidable to many people. Example: Porn
magazine in a check out line. A display a nudity T-shirts in a store. A
nudist beach which is not clearly marked.
Legal Paternalism
laws are to protect people from their own behavior / beliefs / ethics
of care / opposition. The law is the parent, society is the children. Such
laws would be seat belt & helmet laws.
Legal Moralism
Says that the law may prevent people from doing what is immoral just
because it is immoral.
Examples: Its just plain wrong. Living in sin. drinking on Sunday. Prostitution. |
Therapeutic Cloning
producing clones to be used in medical research to find cures for
diseases. It is possible to use this type of cloning in conjunction with stem
cell therapy
Reproductive Cloning
This type of cloning uses somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) because
it transfers the nucleus of a somatic or bodily cell into an egg whose own
nucleus has been removed
Process view of justice
The only important thing is HOW a person got their wealth. If the
PROCESS was ethical, then its ethical for them to keep it. ie. procedural.
How did you win it or obtain it? It is your choice what to do with it.
End State View of justice
Whether it's ethical to be wealthy depends on whether you merit the
money, if your achievements are worthy, how much effort you put into getting
it, and what you're going to do with it. It also asks if you've had a
historical advantage that gave you an unfair edge in getting money.
ie. Distributive. merit, achievement. Did you get the money fairly?Did race or sex help you get it? How will you use the it? Will you help your family, community or charity? |
Radical Egalitarianism
Everyone has exactly the same amount of wealth. If someone gets more
wealth, they share it with everyone. The Amish are an example of radical
Principle of Real Equality
It is unjust to treat people differently ... unless we can show that
there is a REAL and RELEVANT difference between them.
Real= a difference that is scientifically proven, and based on nature (not just a difference of nurture or how they were raised), and Relevant= a difference that matters in the exact situation or job that we're discriminating against them for. |
William Baxter's - "People or Penguins"
is anthropocentric.
No interest in penguins for their own sake, only interested in how they have value to humans. A penguin is not worth banning DDT if people benefit from using DDT more than they benefit from having penguins. Optimal pollution is the best balance between clean ecology and the needs/demands of people for things that cause pollution. Opportunity cost is the trade-off for pollution. |
Deep Ecology
is the extreme version of ecocentrism. Deep ecologists believe that
everything is important, and any intrusion into nature requires that we show
a vital need.
People should have self-realization: their relationship to nature should be as part of nature, not as master of nature. Aldo Leopold (guy who made up the biotic pyramid) said that humans are "plain citizens" not lord and master over all others. Anthropocentric (dominant world view) and Deep Ecology (ecocentric) deep ecology believes that we should reduce human population to improve ecology. recycle is important. |
Biocentric equality
all things have equal (intrinsic) worth, people are not worth more.
Human-centered. utilitarianism: based on the greatest good for the
greatest number OF PEOPLE. Believes that only people have intrinsic value,
everything else only has instrumental value in terms of its use to people.
Uses a cost-benefit analysis to decide what is best to do. |
Juedo-Christian tradition (anthropocentric)
that says "man has dominion over the earth" has been
translated to mean that everything else is less important than man.
believes that it is not just humans that have intrinsic value. All
things have value of their own, not just in how they're useful to people.
some believe that every individual thing has value (such as all deer are
valuable and should never be killed), some believe that it is the group that
has value (as in, hunting is ok to cull the herd if it's in the best interest
of the group).
retributivist argument:
is non-consequentialist: not concerned with the consequences of the
punishment, but is concerned with punishing the criminal as payback for the
crime. "Justice was done", "payback". "eye for an
eye" It is a backward looking argument, because it's concerned with
paybacks for a crime already committed.
is concerned with Responsibility: the punishment must fit the crime & the perpetrator (they must be proven guilty, unlike the deterrence argument) |
deterrence argument:
is consequentialist and forward-looking because it is concerned with
the future consequences of punishment: will it deter future crime? Believes
if something besides the death penalty works better, that should be used.
Will not work for crimes of passion, people who decide the risk is worth the benefit, civil disobedience, insane people. |
Kant Perfect Duties
Perfect is absolute: telling the truth, honesty
Kant Imperfect Duties
Must be done, but we can choose when. Allows us some flexibility, we
can choose when to give, how much to give and we don't have to do it at every
Affirmative action
is more than just "don't discriminate", it is doing
something extra to remedy past injustice (remedying past injustice is a
nonconsequentialist argument).
Justifies affirmative action by quotas.
Allows companies to remedy past discrimination. |
Peter singer set the bases for the origination: People for the ethical
treatment of animals
Ability to feel pain & suffering
Bonnie Steinbock's view of speciesism
has an anthropocentric view, supports speciesism because human have
the ability to be responsible, reciprocate and have self-respect - and
animals don't have.
Bonnie Steinbock
if both dogs & children were starving, you would instinctively
feed the children first thus, they (animals & people) arent equal.
Bonnie Steinbock
says its ok to use animals in experiments as long as humans will reap
some "useful" benefit. But not to cause "unnecessary"
pain such as in cosmetic experiments
Peter Singer
Says experiments are justifiable only if we are willing to experiment
on a human-being with the same mental capacity as the animal. i.e. a
brain-damaged person
Peter Singer
says that we cant be cruel to animals. We should not inflict pain on
them because they are sentience beings. thay have a right not to suffer.
Peter Singer
Says speciesism is wrong just as racism & sexism
George W Bush
Says can only use ES cells line that were already established for stem
cell research
Expanded the funding & increased lines available to stem cell
Says that it is no different and (that) just as we have grown to
accept invitro, we will eventually accept reproductive cloning.
Says cloning is detestable, repungent, not allowed, repulsive no
matter what. We should rely on one emotional moral response because there is
a reason we feel this way.
Just cause
To use force against another nation, there must be a serious reason to
justify it. i.e. reason, justified
There must be a just cause. Crimes against humanity |
Consider the probable cost and benefit and compare them with the
probable costs and benefits of doing something else or of doing nothing at
last resort
negotiations, threats, and boycott should be tried before a nation
goes into war. Consider all options before going into a war.
Right intention
Goal must be to achieve peace. Conduct of war shouldn't go against
making peace.
Discrimination of just war theory
noncombatant, there are combatants & noncombatants; those who
surrender are noncombatants
Health Insurance Portability accountability act
use of organs from natural or genetically modified animals (pigs) for
organ transplants